Salone del Mobile 2023
Welcome to our tour!
Pack your bags and get ready! DESIGNBAR is flying to Milano, Italy to visit the world famous trade show Salone del Mobile in April 2023 and we cannot wait. Together with Nancy Fire Design, I will be exploring the latest and greatest European designs and see first hand where the future of design is leading us. Want to tag along without having to buy another flight? No worries, I got you. The show will take start on April 18th and throughout the show I will be posting on our @designbar Instagram account. I’ll also be providing you with a summary of the show, a plethora of pictures with my coolest finds and my takeaway on interior design now and in the future based on what I see. I’m beyond excited!
Italo Design - HPMKT F’22
I am expecting the unexpected! Rethinking forms, functions and the use of sustainably sourced and re-used and re-purposed materials in unique and creative ways.
Let’s talk a little bit about each.
1) Rethinking Forms and Shapes: Who ever said that rugs can only be square, rectangular or round, must think again. Yes, when cowhides were thrown into the mix we finally saw what organic shapes can do to a design. The formality disappeared and the visual appearance changed completely. Some of this trend we saw translated into a few fine, hand-tufted and hand-knotted pieces in the past year or so but we expect for it to take off and take over. And that’s just one example.
2) Rethinking functions; Let’s go crazy there because we can. Applying the principle of re-use and re-purpose to clothing that is durable and re-use it in interesting and fun ways for upholstery, draperies, soft textiles and more. Why not take a bunch of old and torn pantyhose. Instead of clogging landills, let’s maybe braid them together in an interesting way to be the front of a decorative pillow case. On another note, multi-functional furniture pieces are my jam. I love a piece that transforms or converts into something completely different.
3) Re-use and re-purpose of existing materials in unique ways: see 2) … ;-)
Learning for Life
DESIGNBAR team members in exploration mode
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a sucker for learning something new. Anything really. Several people have asked me why I fly all the way overseas to go to a trade show. I want to learn, that is why. Oh, and it’s Milan … hello!? Seriously though, what better way to keep your brain engaged and your creativity flowing than giving it new insight, knowledge and most of all: inspiration.
The future of design is here. Let’s say HELLO!